Friday, September 9, 2011

MMODJ Revisited - Revoluntionary Music Platform Proposal Outline

Problems Encountered and Addressed By the MMODJ
-copyright wars: MMODJ assumes everyone samples
-hybrid culture: beyond dualistic mixing practices to networked mixing; beyond 2d mixing; multidimensionality (physical, geographical space [club, home, illicit venue]; traveling users; networked cloud;
-be a part of something while you're in your bedroom...or go out; redefine the locus of cultural participation.
-no records, cds; new model of distribution is the digital mix; record a mix or listen live.
-choice: choose your music, make your community, program your sequence.
-sorry bands and DJs, your brand just got crushed. THE MUSIC'S NOT ABOUT YOU. you become about the music.
-democratic - sequences chosen through democratic process --> organic rhythms? digital chaos?
-dance like hell - it's good exercise. put the mix on in your zumba class.

Networked Cloud and Lack of Original Sources as Inherently Altermodern
-The system keeps playing. The loops are animated by machines, stored on multiple servers, and constantly changed through human interactions with the interface. One can choose to connect or disconnect freely. The system is contained only by the sites of sonic production, i.e. the headphone, the speaker. These limitations are subsiding through vibration technology that allows you to turn any surface into a speaker (amplifying small vibrations through resonance. I believe this is the same technology that makes all speakers work, just "taken out of the black box." Fuck consumer electronics that make us ignorant.)
-Repurposed sound equipment as a potential "original" source of sound. Bended and hacked circuits from toys to synths, cell phone ringtones reprogrammed and chopped, reel-to-reel looping re-enlisted, make your own microphone, DIY.

The Modern and Postmodern Still Largely at Play
-struggles for control in the process
-business (the recording industry) will want to capitalize
-there's no free lunch, but what about soup kitchens and communal gardens? can our music be nutritious?

Models for Monetization Based on Hybrid Economics
-But that is impossible if computer storage costs money.
-Consider networked alternatives to storage - no need for central server?

Revolutionizing Public Media
-media is public because you make it, not because your tax dollars fund 6% of it and the rest is donations and corporate sponsorship
-grassroots media
-funding and donation systems
-democratic control and consensus decision making systems

The Tech side: Programmers needed! - Open Source?
-P2P network as an alternative to servers? Think SETI@Home; World Community Grid; bit torrent technology.

Irony vs. Meaning, a Conflict?
-Is there any purpose to the MMODJ? Inherently, no. Yet we live steeped in a moment of deep cultural anxiety because postmodernism, for all it's cultural production, has done little to solve our most pressing problems of economic oppression; corporate control and corruption in politics; hegemonic dominance of the public/cultural sphere; habits of consumption contrary to sustaining human life and happiness; tensions based on identity manifesting in real-world problems (bullying, Islamaphobia and the War on Terror Crusades, incarcerated people, human trafficking and slave labor, women and children in poverty, spread of disease, second class citizens and closed borders).
-A new order suggests a paradoxical convergence of irony and meaning, a flow between the two. Google employees play at work; artists play essential roles in movements for political organizing; hipsters [who claim to have no morals] ride bikes. I advocate an approach to social change that capitalizes on current habits - i.e. systems of pleasure and reward - (re)centered on conscience rather than profit.

Can the system change?
-Empire and its constitutive dominant/hegemonic systems of thought, technology, biology, militarization and divide and conquer strategies remain wholly intact. Cycles of oppression fester at every site of cultural production

Existing Models

1 comment:

  1. hope ur still around ben.

    re: Revolutionizing Public Media

    active community radio!
    but here's public media we're working with right now: and - community websites that are about uploading; using the free open software

    I found a link to your blog cause I couldn't find my book and was looking for content from Lessig's 'Remix'. You're talking about some good things. I'm in grad school library & information science at UIUC.

    If you're still reading and thinking and doing and like the links above, hit me up.
