Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stop Military Base Construction in Okinawa

This is a message of solidarity with the people of Okinawa. I would like to express my sincere determination that their movement for peace is realized. The local people have made it abundantly clear: they do not want the construction of new US military bases on their islands, specifically at the sites of Henoko and Takae. The US and Japanese governments must listen to the local people. These projects which have moved forward into the construction phase, endanger the area's bio-diverse ecosystems, public health, and public safety. For many reasons the people of Okinawa have shown with an overwhelming majority that they do not support these US military base projects. In fact the people of Okinawa have repeatedly demonstrated through elections and referendums that they are in favor of relieving the burden of US Military bases. They would like for the US and Japanese governments to come to a solution where these bases can be moved away and off of Okinawa. These efforts have led to mass protests and demonstrations and a sit in at the construction site that's gone on for about a decade at this point.
When we speak up and speak out, we strengthen the global movement for peace. We lend our voices in support of keeping Okinawa the beautiful place that it is with pristine beaches, wonderful history and culture, and many happy people. We want future generations to be able to enjoy the beauty of Okinawa, as well. For this reason, I am boldly encouraging the members of SGI USA and SGI Japan to take a strong stance: No new bases in Okinawa. Close the bases in Okinawa, as part of our movement for peace and kosen rufu and worldwide human revolution. What we are talking about is the courage to be vocal about peace and realize the ways that we can contribute to it.
Please join in taking a bold stance on Okinawa and speak out! As Buddhists, we chant every day for world peace. "I pray for the happiness of all living beings and peace throughout the world." I pray for the peace of the people of Okinawa, the United States and around the world. Let's close the bases. Let's change our military bases into school, recreation centers, and libraries. Let's change poison into medicine. Nam myo ho renge kyo.

-Benjamin F. C. King, February 16, 2015
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