僕には今日の第5回「オルタナ・クール」の番組がすごいと思いました。なぜかと言うと、僕が好きで興味がある話がたくさん起きていた。例えば、サンフランシスコで色々な平和活動していたオガナイザー桃原淳(すなお)さんはアメリアカと日本の文化を比べたり、沖縄の過去と現在文化を説明してくれました。そして2時間目は高江のヘリパッドの問題については「高江がたいへん!24時間座り込み@沖縄県庁前」を実行した二人 (大城永子(ひさこ)さん 森岡理歩歌(りほか)さん) がインタビューしてもらいました。つまり沖縄アルタナティブメディアをすごく尊敬しています。
一時間目はちょっと音質の問題があったが、2時間目は結構直りました。そして高江ヘリパッドの問題に関係ある米軍の「オスプレー」という攻撃ヘリコプターの映像と那覇の24時間座り込みの動画が放送しながら同時USTREAMで見せました。これはかっこいい機能ですね!ツウィターから来たチャットもいっぱいあった (でも僕はファスブックでつながっていた)。USTREAMの危ない所は見ながら、注意散漫の可能性が高い。メールを書いたり、ブロッグをしたりすることをしていました。夕食も見ながら食べて、チャットでも書き(過ぎ)ちゃった。だが、色々な関係あることを同時にやるのはそんなに悪くない。(後でmultitaskingというポストをしましょう。)USTREAMはテレビの世界を本当に変われるみたいなことと思います。
"Alter-Cool" is a USTREAM program produced by Okinawa Alternative Media. I just finished watching their most recent webcast. It was my first time using USTREAM. I love this medium! You're not just listening or watching, but it's really fun because you can ask questions or comment via the chat stream.
For me, this fifth edition of "Alter-Cool" was awesome. So many things that I like and are interesting to me were brought together in the discussion. For example, Sunaoko-san, an organizer in San Francisco who has done various peace activities since the early 90s, compared American and Japanese culture, and discussed some of the differences he's observed in past and present Okinawan culture. The second hour was about the Takae helipad issue. It featured an interview with two of the people (Hisako-san and Rihoka-san) who helped stage a 24-hour protest in Naha (Okinawa's capital city) in support of the citizens of Takae. In short, I really respect Okinawa Alternative Media and what they are doing with this program.
During the first hour there was a little trouble with the sound quality, but it was basically fixed by the second hour. Also, a previously recorded video about the dangerous "Osprey" military helicopters and footage from the 24-hour sit-in/protest in Naha were broadcast during the episode. What a cool feature! And there were tons of comments on the chat from Twitter (although I used Facebook to connect). The dangerous thing about USTREAM is that there is lots of opportunity for distraction. For example, while I watched I was writing email and blogging. Also I ate dinner during the broadcast, then wrote (too much!) on the chat. But I don't think doing several related things at the same time is necessarily so bad. (Future post on multitasking?) USTREAM seems like it could really change the face of television.
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