In order to stay true to the title of the blog, I realized I need to refocus on mindfulness. Thus far, posts have focused on media. Ideally, I'd like to integrate the two. Thus, for the next three and a half days before I head back to the States, I'm going to commit myself to two sessions of breathing awareness per day, 44 minutes a piece. (A teacher once told me it's not so important how long you sit, just that you sit. So I'm going with 44, my favorite number, of minutes.) I'll post my progress on the blog in an effort to maintain adherence to the regimen. Can making your successes and failures in mindfulness practice public to the blogosphere be a motivator for discipline? Second, I aim to create three posts during the next three days: 1) ηθΈγ|Bon Odori 2) Marshall McLuhan 3) A Survey of Mindful Media on the web.
I'm trying to imagine an appropriate image that conveys mindful breathing for this post. What does a breath look like? Here's one I like from a quick google images search:

Please comment with you image suggestions! :)
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