What would it ACTUALLY take to make it happen?
What do you really have to do to achieve your dreams?
Exploring relationships between media, music, culture and technology.
What would it ACTUALLY take to make it happen?
What do you really have to do to achieve your dreams?
The health of the cell is the health of the body is the health of the species is the health of the planet. -Maree Avery Brown (?)
The above quotation may make us think in hierarchical terms, but the qualities of health and happiness I believe are transcendent across these material boundaries. Transcendental beings (Buddhas of pure energy) may make quantum leaps across, around and through our material universe. "We" are but conduits, our souls merely an accumulation of these energies (plural!) over time, just as our bodies emerge as the complex expression of the interaction of our cells.
More traditionally, we think of units such as individual, family, town or city, state, country, world. May happiness flow through all these places, people and things like warm water, gently washing our molecules and atoms. May we breath from the space between
The sun is a star. Is a star alive? I believe so. Perhaps not by traditional biological definition, but it has a life cycle. As a human, this is almost unimaginable. But that's probably because the billions of years that constitute a star's life are so far beyond our own lifetime.
Thinking about which life forms on earth might communicate with the sun and stars, trees seem like the best bet. With their extended lifetime of hundreds of years and their use of photosynthesis for energy production, trees may have a much more intimate symbioyic relationship with the sun.
Recently, a friend who I consider to be a spiritual mentor told me, "Ben, you are a very critical thinker." Generally, I consider this a compliment. Although I have many critical thoughts about our spiritual organization/religious group, we both understand that these thoughts serve to deepen faith. Faith cannot, and should not, be blind.
However, tonight I opened myself to the concept of anti-critical thinking. That is, I decided that I would listen to the radio show below with a sense of openness and non-judgement. I'm glad I did.
A year or two ago, the feelings of uneasiness provoked by this podcast may have driven me to turn it off. Too much feminine energy. Too new-agey. The guest and her father are associated with the military industrial complex. Too corporate in her approach. Though these thoughts are still present, I decided to view them with open awareness. As a result, the message of love broadcast here is now radiating through me. I want to share this message, this frequency, with my friends, family, and the entire world. Love might be an approximation or an interpretation of this frequency, as would nam-myoho-renge-kyo, as would Truth in the Gandhian sense. Whatever these words point to, that is what I want to broadcast.
Thank you to Dawn Clark for attuning me to this frequency. I look forward to exploring her website!
I am back to critical thinking today. After looking at Dawn Clark's website, I found that she requires an email address to view 3 "free" hours of video listed on her gifts page. Information is currency. I'm resentful she's reinforcing the prrdominant economic paradigm - there is no free lunch. I feel swindled!
Today a wise voice from within said, "Pay attention to mundane moments. That's where the magic happens." I understood the voice intellectually, consciously agreeing with it. But allowing the mundane to be mundane is tough. Generally, we would call that boredom. I feel I spend a great deal of time runnig from this feeling, tryig to escape it. And I think that is natural, too. No great solution presents itself here. Just an awareness of moments that are truly mundane, that seem a little boring, that are pedestrian rather than cosmic. With that awareness, perhaps I can spend less time running.
A related blog post could be on the "levels of anomy" I recently jotted down in a notebook, of which boredom is the first.